Multiplier Event held in Barcelona


Keyway Seminar held in Barcelona titled Impact Evaluation of Guidance Services

On July 5th, DEP Institut and the Diputació de Barcelona held the Seminar “Imapct Evaluation of Guidance Services” with 40 participants from the fields of eduation and guidance. After the initial opening, carried out by the founding partner of DEP Institut and director of Educaweb, Montserrat Oliveras, the talk “Why do we need evidence of the impact of orientation?” was given by Silvia Amblàs, director of the DEP Institut, and Jordi Plana, Manager of Education Services of the Diputació de Barcelona.
During the seminar, Rachel Nelson, the Keyway project coordinator from  DEP Institut, will presented the Keyway project and its products: a conceptual map of the impact of the orientation and its KPIs, as well as the main points of the Guide.

The seminar also reflected on how to assess the impact of the orientation in the talk by Miquel Àngel Alegre, project manager for the Bofill Foundation, and a practical workshop was then led with the active participation of the more than 40 participants (guidance practitioners, researchers, public administration representatives) and the team of DEP Institut.

Finally, an open debate about the challenges and opportunities to evaluate the impact of guidance services closed the seminar.