
Keyway Seminar held in Athens

The final event of Keyway took place on the 24st of July. The attendees had the chance to get in touch with the results of the program and practice on the evaluation process. The main audience was consisted mainly by career counselors, psychologists, directors of centers of guidance, freelancers working on counseling and students. Most of them show real interest on the process of the validation, making useful and fruitful questions and comments.

Multiplier Event – Keyway Seminar – Tools to Improve the Local Systems for Career Guidance

Centro Studi Pluriversum and the Regional Agency for Work and Learning Basilicata (LAB) are happy to announce the seminar on “Tools to Improve the Local Systems for Career Guidance”. The seminar introduced the framework developed within the Keyway project and presented the 3 tools created to help organisations measure the results and impact of their guidance services.
The seminar took place on the 5th of July in Via dell’Edilizia 15, Potenza with 30 participants from the regional agency.

Keyway Seminar held in Barcelona titled Impact Evaluation of Guidance Services

After the initial opening, carried out by the founding partner of DEP Institut and director of Educaweb, Montserrat Oliveras, the talk “Why do we need evidence of the impact of orientation?” was given by Silvia Amblàs, director of the DEP Institut, and Jordi Plana, Manager of Education Services of the Diputació de Barcelona.
During the seminar, Rachel Nelson, the Keyway project coordinator from  DEP Institut, will presented the Keyway project and its products: a conceptual map of the impact of the orientation and its KPIs, as well as the main points of the Guide.

The seminar also reflected on how to assess the impact of the orientation in the talk by Miquel Àngel Alegre, project manager for the Bofill Foundation, and a practical workshop was then led with the active participation of the more than 40 participants (guidance practitioners, researchers, public administration representatives) and the team of DEP Institut.

Finally, an open debate about the challenges and opportunities to evaluate the impact of guidance services closed the seminar.

Multiplier Event – Keyway Seminar – Effect and Effectiveness in Career Guidance

On 22nd of June 2018 (from 09:30 am – 16:30 pm) the Symposium  titled “Effect and Effectiveness in Career Guidance”at the University of the Federal Employment Agency (HdBA). This event was part of the Keyway project.
The meeting was attended by approximately 36 professionals in the field of CCG (counsellors, practitioners, experts, managers of Guidance Services and Organizations, etc.), led by Prof. Dr. Peter Weber and Dr. Rebeca García-Murias, German Keyway partners.
Moreover, several Keynotes coming from Germany, Austria and Switzerland carried out different presentations on this topic and its different aspects/approaches.
These interventions dealt with different topics on questions/issues of impact evaluation and various examples of impact evaluation in the context of vocational and educational counseling, etc. Options for recording the effects of counseling were also developed and discussed in the workshops section which aimed to tailor the possibilities of impact evaluation to the conditions and goals of the respective consulting provider/offer.

The Keyway Project Celebrates the Fourth Transnational Meeting in Mannheim

On June 4th and 5th, the partners celebrated the 4th and final meeting in Mannheim, hosted by project partner HdBA.

The Keyway project presented at iCeGS 20th Anniversary Conference

The Keyway project will be presented in the framework of the iCeGS 20th Anniversary Conference.

The International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) will celebrate its 20th Anniversary in 2018.  It is hosting an international conference on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th May 2018 at the University of Derby, UK.

The conference title is “Imagining new perspectives on work – the role of career development in shaping futures.”  The event aims to examine how the concept of work might develop and evolve over the next decade and in conjunction with this how the role of career development practitioners might need to adapt to continue supporting individuals in the future.

The Keyway project will be presented as a poster within the framework of the conference by project partners Dr. Peter Weber and Rebeca García from HdBA.

The Keyway Project Celebrates the Third Transnational Meeting in Siena

On January 25th and 26th of 2018 the Third Transnational Project Meeting was held in Siena, Italy, hosted by project partner Centro Studi Pluriversum. During the meeting the results of the Expert Consensus Methodology, which involved over 45 experts and professionals in education, training and guidance, and their feedback on the Keyway Indicators (O2). The partners commented this feedback and the needed steps to finalize and publish the Keyway Indicators.

Also, the structure and proposed content of the Keyway Guide to Impact and Performance Indicators was presented by the University of Applied Labour Studies – Manheim.

The partners also discussed their dissemination and exploitation strategy in order to generate awareness, interest and, ultimately,  use of the Keway tools.

The Keyway Project presented at the conference “Career Guidance in a Changing World”

The Keyway project, its context, impact, partnership, objectives, outputs and project activities is presented in Prague on November 11, 2017 with analysis of the work and development of the Keyway Map of Impacts of Guidance and the Key Performance and Impact Indicators. This presention is being made by project partners HdBA in the framework of the  international conference “Career Guidance in a Changing World” focused on the role of career guidance and career development for individuals as regards to how they will face changes in today’s society.

The Keyway Project Celebrates the Second Transnational Meeting in Barcelona

On July 26th and 27th of 2017 the Second Transnational Project Meeting was held in Barcelona, Spain, hosted by project leader DEP Institut. During the meeting the results of the focus groups conducted in each country were presented and the Keyway map of guidance impact proposal as discussed with its areas and subareas was discussed and agreed upon.

And importantly, the partnership came together after some desk research, to discuss possible indicators and measures to be the Keyway Indicators (O2) using a nominal group methodology which facilitates prioritization and selection.

First transnational meeting of the Keyway project

On the 7th and 8th of March the 1st transnational meeting of the European project Erasmus plus “Keyway: connecting guidance services to key impact indicators” was held in Athens.

The objective of the meeting was to settle the foundations of the partnership, share information about management and implementation of the project and to carry out a brainstorming session. The session was aimed to outline a first proposal of the conceptual map of the impacts of guidance services which will be further discussed afterwards with stakeholders and experts in the field of career guidance.

The brainstorming session resulted in the identification of 3 general impact areas: individual, organisational and societal.