
This section is dedicated to the Key Performance and Impact Indicators based on the Keyway Map of Impacts. The Keyway project partners have developed a list of 44 indicators that services can use to help them measure the progress they are making towards reaching their objectives and goals.

Welcome to the Keyway Performance and Impact Indicators! Follow these simple steps to develop your guidance service’s Performance and Impact Evaluation Plan: 1. Check out the Keyway Guide for instructions and detailed information on methodology. 2. Review the Keyway Indicators and select the indicators that are most adequate for your organisation and the objective of your evaluation process. 3. With a list of indicators selected, collect data from exisiting sources, and/or develop questionnaires and tools to collect this data from your service users. 4. Once you have colllected the data, introduce the data in the Results tab of the Excel file. 5. Display and publish your results. Check out the Guide to get ideas.
Indicator database legend: Area Corresponding area on the Keyway Impact Map Subarea Corresponding subarea on the Keyway Impact Map Number Number to easily identify the indicator Name Name of the indicator Definition of the indicator Definition of the indicator, with a description of the calculation Population Population of users to which the indicator applies (general, adults, young people) Specific population Specific population to which the indicator is of most interest, with age ranges indicated to ensure maximum comparability. Data source Source of data for the guidance service Timetable Proposal of when to assess indicators Typology Type of indicator Examples of questions Examples of questions to measure the indicator Scale Scale to measure the indicator Reference source Origin of the proposed indicator and source where comparative data can be found
AreaSubareaNumberNameDefinition of the indicatorPopulationSpecific populationData sourceTimetableTypologyReference sourceNotes
Guidance serviceContextC1UsersTotal number of guidance service users in the last yeargeneralgeneralGuidance service dataDirect outcome
Guidance serviceContextC2Number of professionalsNumber of guidance practitioners workinggeneralgeneralGuidance service dataDirect outcome
Guidance serviceContextC3Profile of guidance usersDescription of guidance usersgeneralgeneralGuidance service dataDescriptive
Guidance serviceContextC4Context of reference for KPIsLevel of comparison chosen for evaluating the KPIsgeneralgeneralGuidance service dataDescriptive
Guidance serviceContextC5Number of guidance hoursTotal number of guidance hours given throughout all services and programsgeneralgeneralGuidance service dataDirect outcome
IndividualPersonal1Self-efficacy% of individuals who report higher self-efficacygeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsIndirect-long term outcomeChen, G., Gully, S. M., & Eden, D. (2001)
IndividualPersonal2Optimism% of individuals who report a more positive attitude about workgeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsIndirect-long term outcomeNORTH_IR_EGSA Economic Value Study
IndividualPersonal3Career optimism% of individuals who report a more positive attitude about their career generalgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsIndirect-long term outcomeRottinghaus, P. J., Day, S. X., & Borgen, F. H. (2005). The Career Futures Inventory: A measure of career-related adaptability and optimism. Journal of Career Assessment, 13, 3–24.
IndividualPersonal4Motivation about training% of individuals who report being more motivatedgeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsIndirect-long term outcome(UKrr638) Tyers, C., & Sinclair, A. (2015). Intermediate Impacts of Advice and Guidance.
IndividualPersonal5Motivation about work% of individuals who report being more motivated generalgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsIndirect-long term outcome(UKrr638) Tyers, C., & Sinclair, A. (2015). Intermediate Impacts of Advice and Guidance.
IndividualPersonal6Coping with transitions% of individuals who report being more able to cope with adversities generalgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsIndirect-long term outcome
IndividualPersonal7Pro-activity% of individuals who report being more pro-activegeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsIndirect-long term outcomeBateman, T. S., & Crant, M. J. (1993). The proactive component of organizational behavior: A measure and correlates. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 14,103–118
IndividualPersonal8Career adaptability work related% of individuals who report being more adaptable to diverse work settings adultsemployedSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsIndirect-long term outcomeRottinghaus, P. J., Day, S. X., & Borgen, F. H. (2005). The Career Futures Inventory: A measure of career-related adaptability and optimism. Journal of Career Assessment, 13, 3–24.
IndividualPersonal9Career adaptability in general% of individuals who report adapting better to change in career plansgeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsIndirect-long term outcomeRottinghaus, P. J., Day, S. X., & Borgen, F. H. (2005). The Career Futures Inventory: A measure of career-related adaptability and optimism. Journal of Career Assessment, 13, 3–24.
IndividualPersonal10Emotional control% of individuals who report being more able to control their emotions
IndividualPersonal11Life satisfactionMean level of life satisfactiongeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsIndirect-long term outcomeDiener, E. D., Emmons, R. A., Larsen, R. J., & Griffin, S. (1985). The satisfaction with life scale. Journal of personality assessment , 49 (1), 71-75.
IndividualPersonal12Job satisfactionMean level of job satisfactionadultsemployedSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsIndirect-long term outcome(UKrr638) Tyers, C., & Sinclair, A. (2015). Intermediate Impacts of Advice and Guidance.
IndividualPersonal13Career satisfactionMean level of career satisfactiongeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsIndirect-long term outcomeGreenhaus, J.H., Parasuraman, S.J. and Wormley, W.M. (1990), “Effects of race on organisational experiences, job performance evaluations, and career outcomes”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 33, pp. 64-86.
IndividualCMS14Personal effectiveness/Self-knowledge% of individuals who report knowing better themselvesgeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsLearning-direct outcomesThe LEADER Framework for Careers _ extended_July 2017
IndividualCMS15Personal effectiveness/Self-knowledge% of individuals who report being more aware of strengths and weaknessesgeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsLearning-direct outcomesThe LEADER Framework for Careers _ extended_July 2017
IndividualCMS16Managing relationships/Interaction skills% of individuals who report interacting more confidentlygeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsLearning-direct outcomesThe LEADER Framework for Careers _ extended_July 2017
IndividualCMS17Managing relationships/Networking skills% of individuals who report having extended their professional network to include active and quality contactsgeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsLearning-direct outcomesThe LEADER Framework for Careers _ extended_July 2017
IndividualCMS18Finding and accessing work/Access to information% of individuals who report having improved their access to information about work or educationgeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsLearning-direct outcomesThe LEADER Framework for Careers _ extended_July 2017
IndividualCMS19Finding and accessing work/Search for new options% of individuals who report being more aware of new career optionsgeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsLearning-direct outcomesThe LEADER Framework for Careers _ extended_July 2017
IndividualCMS20Finding and accessing work/Coping with changes related to work% of individuals who report being more able to cope with changes/transitions in education and workgeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsLearning-direct outcomesThe LEADER Framework for Careers _ extended_July 2017
IndividualCMS21Managing life and career/Setting career goals and career planning skills% of individuals who report having improved their career planning skillsgeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsLearning-direct outcomesThe LEADER Framework for Careers _ extended_July 2017
IndividualCMS22Managing life and career/Self-organisation% of individuals who report having improved their career-life balance adultsemployedSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsLearning-direct outcomesThe LEADER Framework for Careers _ extended_July 2017
IndividualCMS23Understanding the world/Awareness of learning and work changes% of individuals who report being more aware of changes in learning and work over timegeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ End /6 monthsLearning-direct outcomesThe LEADER Framework for Careers _ extended_July 2017
IndividualCareer24Engagement in lifelong learning% of service users who report having participated in education or training in the 6 months preceding the surveyadultsaged 25-64Self-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcomeEurostat:
IndividualCareer25Education attaintment/Early school leavers% of service users aged 18-24 with at most lower secondary education and are no longer in education or trainingyoung people aged 18-24Self-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcomeEurostat:
IndividualCareer26Education attaintment/ Abandonment% of service users that have abandoned a formal qualificationadultsaged 25-64Self-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcomeOECD: Survey of Adult Skills Reversed
IndividualCareer27Re-engaging in education% of service users with at most lower secondary education that after a period of at least 6 months not being in education or training re-engage in educationyoung people aged 18-24Self-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ 6 monthsIndirect-long term outcome
IndividualCareer28Right choice of studies% of service users who report having make the right choice of studies, education or traininggeneralgeneralSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ 6 monthsLearning-direct outcomesEurobarometer 417 (modified) European Area of Skills and Qualifications Report
IndividualCareer29Enhanced carrier options/Entrepreneurship% of adults (25-64) entrepreneurs (freelance, setting up own business) during the last yearadultsaged 25-64Self-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcome(UKrr638) Tyers, C., & Sinclair, A. (2015). Intermediate Impacts of Advice and Guidance.
IndividualCareer30Enhaced carrier options/International mobility% of individuals enrolling on international mobility programmes or labour mobilitygeneralaged 18-54Self-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcomeAQU:
IndividualCareer31Reduced unemployment periodsMean number of months of unemployment among economically active service users during the last yearadultseconomically active populationSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcomeReversed
IndividualCareer32Transitition to Tertiary education/Time Mean number of months not in education or training after finishing compulsory education among service users enrolling in post-compulsory educationyoung people post-compulsory studentsSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcomeReversed
IndividualCareer33Transitition to Tertiary education/Decision-making% of service users who report knowing what to study after compulsory educationyoung people post-compulsory studentsSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ 6 monthsIndirect-long term outcome
IndividualCareer34School-Work transition/NEET % of young service users neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET)young people aged 15-24Self-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/ 6 monthsIndirect-long term outcomeEurostat:
IndividualCareer35School-Work transition/Time for employmentNumber of months for first employment after graduation among economically active service usersadultseconomically active populationSelf-report/Guidance practitioner reportBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcomeEurostat (modified)
SocietalEducation36Early School Leaving(Reversed) % of individuals aged 18-24 with at most lower secondary education and are no longer in education or training during the last four weeks preceding the surveyyoung people aged 18-24Local-Region-Country statisticsBaseline/ 6 monthsIndirect-long term outcomeEurostat:
SocietalEducation37Access to education and training/Upper secondary% of people aged 20-24 who have successfully completed at least upper secondary educationadultsaged 20-24Local-Region-Country statisticsBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcomeEurostat:
SocietalEducation38Access to education and training/Tertiary% of the population aged 30-34 who have successfully completed tertiary studies (e.g. university, higher technical institution, etc.).adultsaged 30-34Local-Region-Country statisticsBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcomeEurostat:
SocietalEducation39Access to learning% of adults (25-64) obtaining a qualificationadultsaged 25-64Local-Region-Country statisticsBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcome
SocietalEducation40Access to information/Education% of individuals who report finding the needed information about education/training courses or interships/traineeships/apprenticeshipsgeneralgeneralLocal-Region-Country statisticsBaseline/End/6 monthsLearning-direct outcomesEurobarometer 417 (modified) European Area of Skills and Qualifications Report
SocietalEducation41Transitition to Tertiary education/TimeMean number of months not in education or training after finishing compulsory education among individuals enrolling in post-compulsory educationyoung people post-compulsory studentsLocal-Region-Country statisticsBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcomeReversed
SocietalEmployment42Access to information/Work% of individuals who report finding the information for job-seekinggeneralgeneralLocal-Region-Country statisticsBaseline/End/6 monthsLearning-direct outcomes
SocietalEconomic43Public costs of ESLEstimate of public costs from % of Early School Leavers & Cost per Early School Leaver (lifetime)young people aged 18-24Local-Region-Country statisticsBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcomeEurostat: & Overview and examples of costs of early school leaving in Europe
SocietalCommunity44Access to information/Social resources% of individuals that report knowing well community social services or resourcesgeneralgeneralLocal-Region-Country statisticsBaseline/1 yearIndirect-long term outcome
How was the Keyway Impact Indicator Database developed? Part of the process included the consultation and validation of the indicators with Academic and Career Guidance Experts. The report from this process and the feedback from the 47 experts can be found on the right hand menu.